Dear nutrition experts, Could you please have a look at this new product : VMP, [url][/url] and give me your professional opinion on the possibility to use it for preventing malnutrition. Thanks for your inputs,
The bottle on the packaging should tell you that it is horrible! A substitution for breastfeeding? What a horrible marketing scheme
Noreen M Mucha


12 years ago
In addition to the very problematic use of the image of a bottle, already noted by another contributor, this product appears to be very high in sugar. It is difficult to tell since the label information available at their website does not state the serving size in grams, but indicates 15 g sugars and it seems that information relates to a daily dose of the product. For comparison, in every 100 g of a cola drink there are about 11.5 g sugar. Further, the website appears to be making claims about omega-3 fatty acids. The US DRI for alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) for children 1-3 years is 0.7 g or 700 mg, and this product delivers only 13 mg omega-3. The product lists refined fish oil as an ingredient but it is not possible to tell how much omega-3 is provided as ALA and how much as DHA as they are reported together as 13 mg.
Mary Arimond


12 years ago
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