Job Title: Nutrition Trainee Reports to:Nutrition Advisor Job Location: Months 1 to 3 - Dublin, Ireland Months 4 to 12 - a Concern working country to be decided Year 2 - a Concern working country to be decided Contract Details: Two year contract, unaccompanied Salary Details: Monthly allowances as follows: •€20,731 per annum while located in Dublin during the 1st three months; •€9,096 per annum while overseas during months 4-12; •€18,950 per annum while overseas during months 13-24. Overseas assignments include pre-departure preparations, flights, insurance, accommodation and any relevant hardship or expensive country allowances. Main duties & Responsibilities: At headquarters •Assist nutrition advisors to deliver quality technical support to country programme staff. This may include compiling and distilling existing evidence and guidance on specific topics for sharing; •Support monitoring, evaluation and reporting relating to Concern nutrition programmes. This may include compilation of program and survey data and summarising results; •Support documentation of promising practices and lessons learned from Concern nutrition programmes; •Carry out other small projects (e.g. developing a list of nutrition resources) related to nutrition as agreed with the trainee’s mentor; •Learn about Concern’s other sectors and approaches including nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, food income and markets, HIV, education, gender etc.; •Participate in trainings and workshops as requested. In the field •Support the implementation and, where requested, the design of the Concern country programmes to improve nutrition. This may include introducing a nutrition lens and relevant nutrition activities into existing programmes (e.g. agriculture or education); •Support contextual analysis or reanalysis in relation to nutrition as requested; •Support monitoring, evaluation and reporting relating to nutrition programming. This may include support to quantitative and qualitative surveys as well as compilation of programme data and reports; •Support the capacity building of programme staff in areas such as technical nutrition and report writing; •Support the communications and fundraising department through development of field-based case studies, writing a blog and related activities; •Participate in trainings and workshops as requested. Outputs expected •Prepare a report at the end of the first three months, end of first year and end of second year reflecting on experiences, achievements and lessons learned; •Other smaller specific outputs will be agreed at the outset with the trainee’s mentor; •Show evidence of gaining, technical, advisory and management skills through the performance development review process. Person specification: Essential Criteria Knowledge, skills, experience and qualifications •Undergraduate degree in Nutrition or related field; •Interested in developing a career in international nutrition; •Knowledgeable about nutrition issues in developing countries; •Excellent spoken and written English; •Demonstrated ability in the following core competencies: 1) to manage oneself well in often difficult circumstances, 2) to communicate and work well with others in a team and 3) to deliver results. Personal Qualities •Ability to adapt to different and difficult situations; •Ability to take initiative and responsibility for own learning and work; •Self awareness and willingness to learn; •Passion and enthusiasm for humanitarian and development issues; •Ability to communicate with all levels; •Ability to work as part of a team; •Ability to maintain a positive and constructive attitude to getting the job done; •Determination and resilience with the ability to achieve & remain calm under pressure. Desirable Criteria Knowledge Skills & Experience •Masters level qualification in Nutrition or related field; •Some experience of working in a developing country; •Technical skills in public health nutrition, survey design, monitoring and evaluation and operations research; •Good spoken & written French. To apply: To apply, please submit an application form through our website at [url][/url] (select jobs in Ireland). Application forms are included with the job description online. Applications not accompanied by an application form will not be considered. Closing date is midnight 30th June 2012 (Irish time). Trainee MUST be available to start on 1st October 2012. In order to complete the HQ placement candidates must be legally entitled to work in Ireland at the time of application.
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