We would like to extend an invitation to individuals interested in participating in a workshop on "Strengthening Infant and Young Child Feeding Programming and Planning for Emergency Preparedness and Response" that will be held on 25th – 29th June in London, UK. This workshop is being organised and funded jointly by the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Global Nutrition Cluster, IYCN Unit in UNICEF and Save the Children, UK. The main goal of this workshop is to determine how to improve non-emergency infant and young child feeding (IYCF) programming, which is one of the best way to ensure good infant and young child feeding in emergencies (IYCF-E) and learn how to ensure that during an emergency appropriate IYCF-E programming is undertaken. The main objectives include: A) To increase awareness of the importance of IYCF and IYCF-E B) To share experiences, challenges and lessons-learnt in IYCF and IYCF-E programming in different contexts C) To orientate and disseminate IYCF and IYCF-E policies and capacity development tools D) To assist in the development of agency/wider consortium action plans The workshop will be participatory and interactive. We hope to include as many case-studies and examples of successful and challenging aspects of programming from the participant’s own experiences as possible. It is our aim that by the end of this workshop: •Participants are updated on the latest developments in IYCF and IYCF-E •Participants understand the similarities and differences between IYCF and IYCF-E programming, what is appropriate programming in each context, and what that entails. •Participants are familiar with both IYCF and IYCF-E resources and tools. •Participants understand some of the practical aspects of delivering IYCF interventions in different contexts •IYCF and IYCF-E programme monitoring and evaluation systems are discussed •Participants have developed action plans for IYCF and/or IYCF-E programming and capacity strengthening Note: Whilst this workshop aims to increase knowledge on IYCF and IYCF-E it will not provide specific in-depth IYCF or IYCF-E training. The workshop will last from 9:00 Monday 25 June until 17:30 on 29 June and we expect at you attend for the whole time period. If you would like more information please contact Ali at A dot Maclaine at savethechildren.org.uk or Kat at K dot pittore at savethechildren.org.uk
How much is the workshop fee? Would there travel/accommodation support?


12 years ago
The IYCF to IYCF-E workshop in London 25th to 29th June is free to attend. There has been some funding to support attendance however this has now been allocated. We are trying to move around the budget to be able to support the attendance of more participants but again this will be limited. Please contact K.pittore@savethechildren.org.uk or a.maclaine@savethechildren.org.uk directly.


12 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to participate in the workshop on infant and young child feeding. Are there still places available? Thank you and best regards, Anna Kistauri MD, MMSc Medicines and Nutrition Centre UNICEF Supply Division Tel: +45 35273148 www.unicef.org/supply


12 years ago

Good morning all

I would like to know if a thin or normal weight type 2 diabetic should be physically active.

mona maman


10 years ago
Dear Mona Save the Children is hosting an IYCF-E training in Istanbul from 28th September to 2nd October 2014. Please contact Nicki Connell at Save the Children US for more information (the en-net moderator can supply the email address). Please note it is important you do this as soon as possible as the training starts very soon. We look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks.
Nicki Connell


10 years ago
Diana Alameh


3 years ago
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