Valid International is convening two sets of 2-day workshops on coverage assessment methods on the 27th to the 28th of March 2012 and 29th to the 30th of March 2012 respectively. The first workshop is aimed at mid-level managers and technicians particularly (but not limited to) those based at headquarters of international non-governmental organisations. The second workshop is intended for donors / funders and United Nations organisations. The workshops will be held at [url=]Jesus College[/url], [url=]University of Oxford[/url]. The workshop aims to make participants aware and have a basic understanding of the various coverage assessment methods currently being used such as SQUEAC, SLEAC and S3M allowing them to make more informed decisions on planning and budgeting for appropriate coverage methods for their programmes in different countries. The workshop is not meant to train participants on how to conduct coverage assessments. Each workshop is limited to 20-25 participants. Registration will start on the 2nd of January 2012. For further information and / or to signify your interest, visit the workshop webpage at [url][/url].
This workshop is timely. Are there similar plans for training at country level in Kenya? Thanks


12 years ago
Thank you for your interest. This workshop is borne out of numerous requests for a seminar on coverage assessment methods we've received from various non-governmental organisations most of whom have headquarters offices in the UK. Given the demand, we've though it best to pool the organisations together and hold a workshop in the UK to start with. This eventually expanded to holding another one just for funders / donors who may have different informational needs than NGOs. Should there be enough demand for this kind of workshop at regional or national levels elsewhere (i.e. in Kenya as you suggest), then this is definitely something we would consider. Such assessment of demand I believe we will be able to determine as a feedback from those whom we hope will participate in the first series of workshops in Oxford. Hence, I suggest that if you are a member of an NGO, then let your headquarters office know about the workshop and encourage them to attend it and from there we can see how best to support the demand for such workshops at regional and national levels. I believe it would be good for you to know as well that there is an ongoing effort led by AAH-UK (Saul Guerrero) along with other NGOs to roll-out training and implementation of SQUEAC assessments for programmes run by NGOs. This is aimed to be started sometime next year. I suggest you contact Saul Guerrero directly for further information. The workshop website ([url][/url]) has just been updated with more information on how to register and other workshop logistics.
Ernest Guevarra
Technical Expert


12 years ago
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