The purpose of the consultancy is to follow-up and implement all the recommendations from the assessment report, with special emphasis on the rapid establishment of baby friendly spaces in the four refugee camps and in partnership with the NGOs on the ground. Roles and responsibilities of consultant The consultant will be responsible for putting in place and monitor the implementation of the recommendations. He/ she will be working with a female national officer who speaks the local language. He/ she will train and build capacity in the national officer so that she becomes an expert in IFE and can continue to manage the programme after the consultancy. Advocacy/ coordination Under the overall UNHCR Health & Nutrition coordination, identify lead agency on IFE with clear responsibility to coordinate the response. Incorporate practical guidance on IFE into the UNHCR/WFP/ARRA/UNICEF guidance notes on nutrition and food response (Dollo Ado refugee programme) ensuring IFE essential guidelines are included: IFE operational guidance, module 1 & 2 and UNHCR policy on acceptance, distribution and use of Breast Milk Substitute. Include IYCF indicators in quantitative data collection and other needs assessments; Conduct baseline survey on IYCF and develop strategy for measuring the impact/ progress of the programme/ interventions (baseline, mid-line and end-line surveys). Advocate for the provision of shaded rest areas and private areas for breastfeeding women at transit, registration and distribution points and for the provision of plenty of drinking water. Advocate to arrange priority access (shorter queues) to relief items such as food and NFI’s for women with infants and young children. Coordinate with UNHCR the counting of pregnant women, infants under 6 months and between 6-12 months, registration of new-born and referral of the PLW for BSF and/or SFP to receive micronutrient fortified food. Ensure PLW receive a ration suitable to the pastoralist diet that can nourish the breastfeeding mother and increase her confidence in her breastmilk. Advocate for the inclusion of micronutrient-fortified food within the general ration for older infants and young children where the regular distribution of fresh foods is not an option. Technical interventions 1) Conduct training on either module 2 or the WHO/UNICEF Breastfeeding Counselling Course (40 hours); Orient non-technical staff on module 1 and all staff on the IFE operational guidance. Train the national officer to be a trainer. 2) Ensure that community workers (nutrition, health and protection) are identifying and helping mothers with problems, or referring to more skilled breastfeeding counsellors (simple rapid assessment (SRA) included in all screening points for MN). 3) In conjunction with SC-US and the Child Friendly Centres, set up Baby Friendly Spaces (BFS) in each camp with skilled support: (including relactation with SST, use of artificial feeding according to criteria). 4) Provide special consideration to infants who need to be artificially fed and appropriate support to caretaker to minimize the dangers of artificial feeding (only with trained personnel using established and agreed criteria, where distribution can be targeted, where the supply chain is secure, where conditions for safe preparation and use can be met and in strict accordance with the International Code). 5) Ensure provision of psycho-social support for stressed / traumatized mothers to breastfeeding successfully. 6) Designate one agency to manage artificial feeding. 7) Ensure that artificial feeds labels are in local language. 8) Under the UNHCR Health & Nutrition coordination, ensure that skilled breastfeeding support is integrated into all feeding centres and mothers of malnourished infants and young children under 2 to relactate and achieve breastfeeding before discharge. 9) Under the UNHCR Health & Nutrition coordination, ensure the provision of maternity care applying the ten steps to both home and health centre deliveries. Arrange for skilled support in the first weeks, from trained breastfeeding counsellors and community groups. 10) Check that each infant is growing well in the clinic, and reassure the mother about breastfeeding, Provide equipment and systems to monitor child growth under 2 years 1) Provide meeting places for mothers with young children for woman-to-woman support groups. 2) Develop IYCF counselling materials (laminated flip charts in local language) appropriate to the local context including the dangers of milk powder and importance of initiation. 3) In collaboration with UNICEF communication section, develop a C4D strategy targeting barriers to recommended IYCF practices and incorporated into community outreach activities and feeding centres. The consultant will work under the guidance of UNICEF Dollo Ado on administrative issues and under UNICEF Nutrition & Food Security section in Addis Ababa. Expected deliverables/ products 1. Coordination mechanisms for IFE are in place and functional; 2. Practical guidance on IFE is included into the UNHCR/WFP/ARRA/UNICEF guidance notes on nutrition and food response; 3. IYCF baseline survey is conducted and indicators are included into quantitative data collection; 4. Shaded rest areas and private areas with plenty of drinking water are available for breastfeeding women at transit, registration and distribution points. Women are prioritised at the food and non-food distribution points; 5. The national officer is fully trained and has technical capacity to follow-up and monitor the programme after the consultancy; 6. Coordinate and guide the work of the skilled lactation counsellors 7. Baby Friendly Spaces are set-up and functional in each camps, including a functional community mobilisation/ outreach work and reporting mechanism 8. Monthly progress reports against the deliverables and final report including recommendation for UNICEF Expected background and experience Education Advanced University degree in any of the following fields: Public Health, Nutrition or a related technical field with specific training in breastfeeding or infant feeding in emergencies Work Experience Minimum of three years progressive experience with significant emergency experience in nutrition contexts preferably UN or NGO experience at programme management level. The consultant should be familiar with the IFE operational guidance as a minimum and ideally a candidate who has experience with baby friendly tents in an emergency. The individual should be a certified master trainer on infant and young child feeding especially in emergencies and must have extensive experience with infant feeding counselling and support to mothers and caregivers on infant feeding. Applications including comprehensive curriculum vitae, duly completed United Nations Personal History form (which can be downloaded from our website ) stating telephone number, email address and detailed contact address to be sent to : with subject line “Consultancy for Infant & Young Child Feeding In Emergency”. Closing date for applications is 15 December 2011. Contact persons: Joan Matji, UNICEF Ethiopia Nutrition & Food Security Section Chief, Basim Kawash, UNICEF Ethiopia Human Resource manager, UNICEF is a smoke-free environment. Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
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