Hello community,
I am looking for examples of malnutrition prevention and management protocols that incorporate the new WHO 2023 guidelines.
I am particularly interested in:
The inclusion of children under 6 months in these protocols.
Preventive activities.
If you have any documents, references or experiences to share, I would be grateful to receive them.
Yours sincerely
This document could be useful: https://www.childwasting.org/documents/brief-guide-updating-national-guidelines-child-wasting
11 days agoHello, Kenya integrated infants less than six months across the existing Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM guidelines). As of October 2024, below was the draft outline of the infants less than six months inclusion.... I hope this give you an idea. Unfortunately the document still in progress and can not be shared
Section Two: Management of Acute Malnutrition in Infants Less than Six Months at Risk of Poor Growth and Development.
2.1 Overview....................................
2.2 Admission criteria for inpatient and enrolment into outpatient care for infants less than 6 months of age at
risk of poor growth and development ...............................
2.3 Nutrition management for infants less than 6 months at risk of poor growth and development. ................
2.3.1 Step I: Assessment...............................................
2.3.2 Step II: Implementation of the feeding plan ......................................
2.3.3 Step III: Progress to Exclusive Breastfeeding.............................................
2.3.4 Step IV: Evaluate for Discharge .....................................................................................................................
2.4 Inpatient management of infants less than 6 months with severe wasting and /or nutritional oedema .........
2.4.1 Stabilization Phase..................................................................................................................
2.4.2 Feeding infants less than six months with a Prospect of being Breastfed with severe wasting and / or with nutritional oedema....
2.4.3 Feeding an Infant Less than Six Months without the Prospect of being Breastfed.............
2.4.4 Criteria for discharge from hospital and transfer to outpatient care.........................
2.5 Outpatient Care for Infants less than 6 months ................................................................
2.5.1 Outpatient Care of Infants with breastfeeding prospects........................................
2.5.2 Outpatient Care of Infants without breastfeeding prospects ...................................
2.5.3 Criteria for Discharge from all Care .....................................................................................
Please feel free to engage
2 days ago