What approaches/strategies should be adopted in an emergency context (average security challenges areas) for the implementation of an IYCF program?

Hi there, great questions....and to start,  my experience suggests that the approaches and strategies will really depend on the local context, local capacity and resources available. I would like to share the link to the Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Operational Guidance: Operational Guidance on Infant Feeding in Emergencies (OG-IFE) version 3.0 (Oct 2017) | ENN


and also a Save the Children SOP on IYCF-E : Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E): Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Emergency Response Teams | Save the Children’s Resource Centre




The IYCF-E Operational Guidance is really important and provides the gold standard recommendations that we ALL need to consider when designing and implementing an IYCF-E Response...


If you share more details on the situation, maybe we can share some best practices in similar contetxs



Alex Iellamo
Technical Expert


3 months ago
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