Hi ENN network, 

I am currently working in West Africa as a Nutrition Officer for an international organization. To enhance my academic and technical skills, I am seeking a short course this summer to deepen my knowledge.

I have already completed courses in Nutrition in Emergency and IMAM.

My interests include (but are not limited to) stunting prevention, IYCF, complementary feeding, nutrition policy, school feeding/nutrition education, and the food system approach.

If you have any information about short courses in 2024, preferably face-to-face, please share it with me. I am willing to travel anywhere in the world. Your assistance is much appreciated!

Thank you!

Hello Mr./Mrs.

Several organizations offer distance and face-to-face certification training. This is the case of FINSA (International Training in Nutrition and Food Sciences) at the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin). FINSA offers general courses on nutrition and specifically on the nutrition of vulnerable groups. You will find more details on the site https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.fsa-uac.bj/blueadmin/uploadFiles/13/Poster% 2520FINSA%25202021%2520FOR%2520SITE%2520FSA.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiEpYH-s9GGAxUpSEEAHQoXBr8QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0ZVUSBVT4QQyUoJgjNLOtf

You can also access several courses on nutrition, livelihoods and food systems on the FAO website


I hope this little information will be useful to you.

Jacob Nagassi, PhD

Human and food security specialist




9 months ago
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