2nd session of training on cartography with QGIS online

The International Agency for Development Interventions in Health, or AID-santé, is an organization composed of experts in public health and nutrition, dedicated to the implementation, coordination and monitoring-evaluation of various projects and programs intended to improve the well-being of populations. This agency benefits from the expertise of professionals from multiple disciplines.

This course is specially designed to train humanitarians, particularly Information Management (IM) and monitoring-evaluation personnel. It aims to equip participants with the skills needed to map and analyze data. Learners will learn about the types of data and methods used to identify and map areas.

Additionally, the course intends to provide participants with an initial understanding and practical experience in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Join us to discover how to create captivating maps and master the basics of digital cartography.

What you will learn

  • Create impactful cards
  • Analyze spatial data
  • Master geographic data management tools

The cost of the training is 30,000 F CFA or $50

Places limited to 25 participants.


For more information and to register, contact us at aidsante.bf@gmail.com or call us at (+226) 70 03 62 67/ 65 61 51 97 / 76 13 92 47

Don't miss this opportunity to develop your mapping skills!

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