Looking for MUAC reference values including z-scores calculations based on age (internationally accepted or for low-income settings) for children >5 years of age.
Dear Roel
We published z-score references for 5-19y olds and validated them for mortality in 2 African cohorts: https://www.bmj.com/content/358/bmj.j3423 There are extensive tables in the supplementary appendix.
This reference has been included in the R package Zscorer: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/zscorer/zscorer.pdf
10 months agoCheck this research which was conducted for the assessment and treatment of acute malnutrition in older children and adolescents where population access is severely hampered, and staff capacity is limited which was the case in the hard-to-access in Syria in 2016.
anthropometric cut-off points for older children and adolescents in Syria
10 months ago