FHI 360’s Crisis Response team is responding to the humanitarian emergency with the Ukraine Humanitarian Assistance Response Program (UHARP II), providing integrated health, mental health, and protection programming focused on decreasing morbidity and mortality among conflict-affected communities.

FHI 360 recently started up nutrition programming focused on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E).

FHI 360 is recruiting for a IYCF-E Program Manager consultant to manage the nutrition programming in the start-up phase and provide technical leadership. Based in Dnipro city (FHI 360 main office) and with periodic travel to sub-offices and field sites, the position is envisioned for a 3-month deployment with the possibility of extension.

Scope of Work

Under the supervision of the Health Coordinator, the IYCF-E Specialist consultant will provide temporary oversight of the mission’s nutrition programming, including technical leadership of the sector for a specific period of time. FHI 360’s IYCF-E activities include IYCF-E counseling for prenatal and postpartum women in health facilities, linkage of beneficiaries to mental health service, training of healthcare workers on IYCF-E, the development and provision targeted informational materials on IYCF-E through different media, and establishment of mother-baby spaces (IYCF-E-E corners) within health facilities.

The IYCF-E Specialist will work closely with the Health Coordinator and FHI 360 HQ Emergency Nutrition Technical Advisor to identify and define priorities for future program development in the nutrition sector, as well as develop concepts for new initiatives that can be incorporated into the existing nutrition programming.

The IYCF-E Specialist will also work closely with the FHI 360 Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) team to ensure that high-quality program monitoring systems are in place and develop plans for program evaluations (including to assess and document pilot initiatives).

Specific Tasks and Responsibilities:

Provide oversight of the mission’s IYCF-E activities, ensuring that all components of the IYCF-E program are functioning properly, providing quality care to all the beneficiaries while respecting guidelines and principles of good practice (e.g. the Operational Guidance on IYCF-E, the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, and SPHERE standards,). Develop recommendations for improvements and areas where programming can be strengthened.

Provide support to the recruitment process for nutrition staff, including IYCF-E counselors working at field sites.

Lead the development of technical materials, tools, and trainings on nutrition, as well as mentorship tools and approaches for health workers who have participated in trainings.

Support the integration of MHPSS into IYCF-E programs in collaboration with the MHPSS Program Manager.

Identify capacity building needs of FHI 360’s IYCF-E counselors and organize relevant trainings (online and/or offline).

Review and update the nutrition (IYCF-E) work plan and logical framework, in collaboration with the Health Coordinator and Senior Nutrition Officer.

Review and update systems for routine data collection for nutrition (IYCF-E) activities, in coordination with the MEAL team.

Represent FHI 360 at Nutrition technical working group (TWG) meetings and other meetings with relevant nutrition/health stakeholders.

Support the technical development of program evaluations of nutrition activities, working with the Health and MEAL Coordinators, and facilitate the documentation of the key IYCF-E activities being implemented by FHI 360, including lessons learned and best practices.

Support the development of the mission’s nutrition strategy, including identifying and defining priorities for future program development based on the current gaps (working closely with the Health Coordinator and FHI 360 HQ Emergency Nutrition Advisor), and based on the strategy may develop concepts for new initiatives that can be incorporated into the existing programming.

As a part of the strategy, identify opportunities for integration of nutrition activities with other program activities (health, protection, WASH)

Any other related tasks as requested by the Health Coordinator.

How to apply

Timetable and Address for Submission

Proposals are due no later than 11:59 PM EDT on April 16, 2024. Required documentation listed below must be e-mailed to CrisisResponse@fhi360.org with the subject line, “IYCF-E Specialist (Consultant) - Ukraine”.

Required Documentation: Proposals must include the following components:

Current CV

Cover letter (max one page) summarizing experience

Name and contact details of two professional references.

Your consulting daily rate

FHI 360 may perform a background check on any selected Consultant candidates.

Please for all the details on the position, you can visit: Crisis Response – IYCF-E Specialist - Ukraine : www.reliefweb.int/job/4052658/crisis-response-iycf-e-specialist

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