We are excited to launch a tender for nutrition services - this intends to bring onboard institutional partners capable of providing NiE technical support in response to requests coming from countries.

The purpose of this Call for Tenders is to solicit competitive offers for the supply of Nutrition Services for the Global Nutrition Cluster and the SMART Team within Action Against Hunger Canada.  

Closing Date: Sunday 19th of May 2024, at 23:59, EST

The explanatory meeting for former, current, and prospective partners on the purpose and intention of the tender, will be held on 10 April at 09:00 EST. Please register using this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__ZqEI0UORdGgW9h4g2GxKA

The clarification meeting on the RFP will be held on 29 April at 09:00 EST. Please register using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hooadHN9SVub7LfL8fWVFQ

To apply to RFP, click on the following link: RFP_Nutrition Services for Org._Round2_2024 Final.pdf

Yours sincerely,
GNC Operations Team and SMART Initiative
Action Against Hunger Canada

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