We are designing a voucher system for food distributions in southern Somalia. As a donor requirement, the vouchers will list specific food items, so all food items need to be something that can be obtained through the local traders in bulk. The traders can set up pipelines for most normal foods, given a week or so. We are concerned about the children under 5 as they are the most vulnerable and have unique nutritional requirements. We could have special vouchers for them, but what can we put on them that would be locally available? Normally, they would have access to milk, but there are dangers in distributing milk. Does anyone have an idea of other normal food items that we could use?
Dear Merry, It may be useful to read an article in Field Exchange by ACF on the use of complementary food vouchers for children in Dadaab refugee camps in 2009. It lists the foods that were available to them. The article is at: [url]http://fex.ennonline.net/36/fresh.aspx[/url] Regards Marie
Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


13 years ago
From Vicky Sibson: Hi Merry As well as considering the foods deemed acceptable and necessary for the populations in Dadaab as Marie suggests, can I suggest you talk to Save the Children UK about the voucher programme they are running in north eastern Kenya. The vouchers are exchangeable against milk, meat and beans as well as food aid commodities. We have the same concerns about meeting children’s nutritional requirements and safeguarding against the misuse of milk. Write to me if you need contacts (v.sibson@savethechildren.org.uk) thanks Vicky
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


13 years ago
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