Dear colleagues, I proudly present my new documentary film on sustainable nutrition and the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in East and West:
It has English subtitles, and there is a version with German subtitles. Soon there will be versions with French and Spanish subtitles.
Feel free to watch and enjoy, use for education purposes and/or watch at breastfeeding and nutrition conferences.
Please spread far and wide globally in all your social networks.
Thanks and kind regards,
Stefanie Rosin from Berlin, Germany
Dear Stefanie,
You may want to consider presenting your documentary film to the "WHO Health for All film festival". All details here:
Elisa Dominguez
9 months agoHi there,
Thanks a lot for your kind reply and suggestion, which I will check out.
Please consider using the film for educating parents, because I try to explain our cause in a simple and understandable way, to raise awareness.
Best regards,
9 months ago