A programme in Sudan has discontinued prescription of metronidazole for malnourished children on account of some study done in south America indicating it does more harm than good in malnourished children in need of this medication especially for treating diarrhea with mucus/blood. I need more accurate information on metronidazole and if indeed its no longer recommended for malnourished children, what other options are available? Thanks. MK
Do you have a reference to the South American study? The only actual trial I have seen is this: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8458314 & http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8458315 but it was not compared to amoxicillin or benzyl penicillin plus gentamicin. There is a small Mexican pharmacokinetic study suggesting dosage may need to be adjusted in malnutrition: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8460335 jay
Jay Berkley
Technical Expert


13 years ago
From Mordecai: Hi Jay, Thank you for your feedback. Let me contact my colleague aforementioned study. Mordecai
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


13 years ago
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