Dear colleagues!

Greetings from FHI360!

FHI360 is leading the development of the IYCF-E Assessment Guide (with modules focusing on quantitative, qualitative, and rapid assessments) in collaboration with AAH-UK. The work is underway, and we plan to complete it by September 2024.

As part of the plan, we would like to support the field testing of the guide during the period May to July 2024 to document the experiences in using the new guide and its tools, reflecting such experiences, comments, lessons learned from the field, in the guide and the tools as part of the finalization process.

In this regard, we would like to ask if partners are planning IYCF-E assessments (stand-alone or integrated with other surveys, e.g., SMART Surveys) and discuss the possibility for them to field test the tool in the country where the assessment is planned. As FHI360 and AAH-UK, we can provide support during the field testing.

In case there is any implementing partner interested, please get in touch with Alessandro (Alex), Senior Emergency Nutrition Adviser, FHI360, at  and cc Alexandra, Director for Nutrition, AAH-UK at on or before February 9th, 2024. We will happily schedule a bilateral call to discuss your interests, plan, and the potential field-testing exercise.

Thanks for your support and interest in the work,

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