Dear Colleagues,

As you may know, FHI360 and AAH UK are collaborating on developing an easy-to-use guide for IYCF-E assessments. We are currently developing modules on using qualitative methods and rapid assessments to conduct IYCF-E assessments.

As such, we would be very grateful if you could share resources like:

  1. Guidance on qualitative methods to assess IYCF status and needs (in both humanitarian and non-humanitarian contexts)
  2. Guidance on using qualitative methods in humanitarian contexts (for any purpose, not just IYCF)
  3. Guidance on incorporating IYCF practices into humanitarian rapid assessments
  4. Any examples of IYCF-E qualitative or rapid assessments
  5. Guidance on using secondary data analysis to understand IYCF-E needs before the onset of emergencies

We draw your attention to point 4 - Any examples of IYCF-E qualitative or rapid assessments, since many of these are not published online. Any reports not available online which are sent to us will be treated as confidential. For other documents, we would be very grateful if you would send any that you find useful, either by sending a URL or else as an attachment. You can post any URLs in response to this thread, or if you have documents you would like to send you can e mail them to me (Colin Beckworth) at or Alessandro Iellamo at

Many thanks!

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