Event Reminder!  One-day Research Dissemination Event

Relapse After Recovery from Sever Acute Malnutrition: Presentation of Research Findings and Discussion of Implications

Friday, December 15, 2023
9:00am-3:00pm EST

Action Against Hunger and USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance in collaboration with colleagues from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Tufts University, Washington University in St. Louis, and University of Washington

In-person at 999 E Street NW, Washington, D.C., 2004. A link for virtual attendence will be sent in a meeting invite for those who register to attend. 

For more information, the agenda, and to register: click here

Join global experts in severe acute malnutrition (SAM) treatment to learn and discuss the latest research results on SAM recovery and post-discharge outcomes from new multi-country panel study. Learn first findings from nested sub-studies on how microbiome, enteric infection, immune function, WASH, seasonality, context, costing, and geospatial factors relate to SAM recovery and relapse. Discuss whether and when SAM relapse is a problem, what is and is not driving sustained recovery, financial implications, and more.

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