The GNC Technical Alliance and IFE Core Group are pleased to invite you to the upcoming Webinar: “Communicating Infant and Young Child Feeding during emergencies and the role of the media: Getting the right message across’’. October 31st 2023, 11:00am UK time (12:00pm GMT+1/CET/Geneva Time).

Click here to register for the webinar!  

Media and communication colleagues have an important role in raising attention and awareness around the needs and concerns of populations affected by emergencies. In this webinar, you will hear suggestions, recommendations, and tested experiences from colleagues working in humanitarian emergencies/crises and fragile contexts who have witnessed how communication and media are used in relation to infant and young child feeding in emergencies (IYCF-E).

There will also be a time for Q&A.

The webinar will be in English with simultaneous translation into French, Spanish, Arabic. (One or two other languages could be provided depending on the interest, so register and express your interest quickly!).  

Have questions? Email us at: and

We look forward to you joining us for this interesting and important webinar!

Please have your phone with you when attending the webinar to attend some of the interactive sessions.

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