Save the Children UK and the ENN are excited to have four positions open (for nutritionists/similiar background with familiarity with SFPs) to lead and run this 18 month ECHO funded project, introducing the Minimum Reporting Package for SFPs to volunteer implementing partners. Please see more background information below. Please go to the following link for a full description of each of the four posts and to apply: [url][/url] Please note that the deadline for applications is August 7th. For any queries please contact Victoria Sibson at (or call 020 7012 6679) Background: The MRP has been developed to improve accountability to beneficiaries through maximising the quality of SFP programming. It stems from a retrospective analysis of the efficacy and effectiveness of emergency Supplementary Feeding Programmes (SFPs) undertaken in 2005/6 by CDC, ENN and Save the Children (UK); the findings of which were published in 2008 . ENN and Save the Children (UK) obtained funding from OFDA in October 2008 to develop the MRP. A steering group of agencies were convened to agree a common set of discharge definitions and contextual data to aid in their interpretation, which formed a common set of reporting guidelines for the MRP. These guidelines were subsequently converted into user-friendly software, piloted in four countries (Zimbabwe, Kenya, Thailand and Ethiopia) by Care, World Vision and Danish Refugee Council (there will be an update of the findings of these pilots in the coming month). Meanwhile, there has been growing interest, questions and concern surrounding the utility of novel fortified nutrition supplements for treating and preventing malnutrition, including moderate acute malnutrition. This has created an extra impetus to increase both the quality and standardisation of SFP reporting. For these reasons, Save the Children (UK) wishes to support the ECHO funded roll out the MRP among 10 implementing partners, delivering up to 30 SFPs in the coming 18 months; with a focus on SFPs using fortified nutrition supplements. SCUK will be one implementing partner. Other key stakeholders will be additional ECHO implementing partners who voluntarily agree to apply the MRP, as well as the Ministries of Health and WFP in the countries of SFP implementation, both of whom are partners in SFP implementation alongside the NGO lead. It is hoped that by rolling out the MRP, Save the Children (UK) and other implementing partner’s reporting will improve. This will allow real-time and retrospective analysis of SFP performance leading to measures to improve performance during programme implementation and a greater understanding of when and how emergency SFPs should be implemented to best effect; including the utility of novel fortified nutrition supplements.
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