
The GNC Technical Alliance

The Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance (GNC Technical Alliance or Alliance) is an initiative for the mutual benefit of the nutrition community, and affected populations, to improve the quality of nutrition in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. The GNC Technical Alliance Partners are made up of the GNC partners and other individuals, organizations, initiatives, and academia at global, regional and national levels that hold nutrition technical expertise across the humanitarian and development spheres.

The Alliance’s Technical Support Team (TST) provides on-demand technical support for nutrition in emergencies both remotely and in-country.

The Northeast Nigeria Nutrition Sector has requested the support of the TST to provide mainly in-country support to determine consensus-driven costs for CMAM delivery (SAM and MAM treatment), to support the budgeting of the nutrition sector response for the 2024 Northeast Nigeria HRP.


The purpose of this assignment is to establish the average unit cost for delivering the SAM and MAM treatment services in Northeast Nigeria. The cost estimation will include cost of supplies, logistics, program and administrative components from UN agencies and NGOs. This work is expected to feed into the 2024 HRP costing.

The Advisor should ensure international standards, best practices, and global learning are brought to this exercise. More specifically, based on the new WHO guidelines on the management of acute malnutrition in children under five years, different scenarios will be considered the costing analysis:

Current scenario (for 2024 HRP costing): Management of children with SAM with RUTF and management of all children with MAM with RUSF.

Scenario using RUTF for the management of children with SAM and for the management of children with high-risk MAM (identified based on criteria stipulated in the new WHO guidelines), and using RUSF for all other children with MAM.

Service description

A detailed ToR is being developed. A potential summary of the activities in three Phases and Deliverables is below.

Key activities:

Phase one:

  • Partner consultation to include bilateral meetings with key partners (SMoH, SPHCDA, UNICEF, WFP and WHO), and two group meetings, i.e., the sector forum and the donor group meeting. This will lead to the exhaustive listing of partners that contributed to service delivery.
  • Review and discussions of programming at BAY states level, with exhaustive identification of cost drivers.
  • Detailed cost analysis protocol, indicating and explaining:

-    Choice of the methods (ingredient approach, expenditure approach, or mixed, or others);

-    List of partners involved in the response in the study period;

-   Cost drivers to be considered;

-   The design/structure of the costing tool to be used;

-    Analysis plan

-    Elaboration of data collection template

  • Orientation of relevant partners in the use of the data collection template, and submission. Ideally, submission will be done directly to the consultant only.

Phase two:

  • Consolidation of partner submissions
  • Control of data exhaustivity (number and completion of submissions)
  • Control of data quality (internal and external consistency)
  • Feedback to partners, with requests for corrections and/or explanations where needed
  • Data analysis, conforms to the data analysis plan.

Phase three:

Develop a study report with the following structure:

  • Executive summary
  • Background
  • Justifications
  • Methods and approaches
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

Plan and conduct with partners a validation meeting of the costs analysis report

Finalize the study report as per recommendations of the validation meeting, in close collaboration with the CMAM Cost Analysis Task Force

Develop a 2-page brief on how to use the methodology and tools for future costing exercises, in close collaboration with the CMAM Cost Analysis Taskforce

Expected Deliverables:

  • Inception report with:
  • Detailed cost analysis protocol
  • Data collection template
  • Completed costing tool with preliminary results
  • Report of validation workshop with partners
  • Final study report
  • 2-page “how to” brief
  • End of mission report
  • Performance evaluation form (PEF)


Duration of 40 days from 4th of September to 29th October 2023.

Required profile


Advanced university degree in health economics/financing, health policy and planning or related fields.

Experience in the development of innovative training tools.

Significant knowledge of CMAM programs


  •   At least eight-year expertise and experience in strategic planning and management, including cost of plans and programs.
  •   A proven track record of high-quality work products in program costing and/or economic evaluation previously conducted.
  • Strong capacity with meeting deadlines, an ability to prioritize tasks within his/her work program, and strategies for working both collectively with others on the team and independently to deliver products of the highest caliber.
  • Excellent facilitation skills, coupled with the ability to bring together stakeholders from different sectors and backgrounds.
  • Strong leadership and teamwork abilities.
  • Strong information-gathering and analytical skills, coupled with excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • An understanding or knowledge of and experience in CMAM programming in developing countries.

Candidates with previous work experience in the country, or familiarity with the context, will be given a preference.


The consultant will be required to travel to Nigeria, and other in-country field sites for assessments, as necessary.


The consultant will be supervised by both the TST Coordination Unit (based at AAH Canada) and the in-country requester (UNICEF).

Contract modality

Fixed-term deliverable-based contract.

Applications are open to individuals, teams of people or organizations.

How to apply

Proposals responding to this RFQ should include:

1-  Updated CV detailing experience in conducting similar work.

2-   Maximum 1-page Cover letter.

3-   Three references for which you have conducted similar work.

Please provide your daily rate in Canadian Dollars (CAD).

Please note: Consultants of the GNC Technical Alliance Consultant Roster and TST partners can simply share their interest, an up-to-date CV and daily rate, and will be prioritized for this work.

To apply for the roster, please visit:

Submit the proposal before Sunday, August 27, 2023, at 23:59 EST to:


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