Hi everyone, Please who has information about the research carried out by Action Contre la Faim (ACF) reached results
MANGO: MODELLING AN ALTERNATIVE NUTRITION PROTOCOL GENERALIZABLE FOR OUTPATIENT therapeutic food which it supposes will develop a dosage table that corresponds to the response to treatment in children with SAM and is adapted to their requirements.

with best regards

Dear Mohamed,

you can see all results, brochure on all results (10p), summaries (1p), and related links to publications on MANGO project (2015-2020) on a reduced RUTF dosage on our webpage: https://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/en/mango-project/.

This project ended. We continue to publish new findings from secondary analyses based on data from the project.

In addition we pursue a new trial EfRAMAS in DRC to test the same reduced dosage in a more constrained environment (one usual nurse delivers SAM treatment in outpatient, with home visits by RECOs = CHWs). See https://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/projet-eframas/ (only in French for now).

Kind regards,



1 year ago
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