Registration link

IFAD is pleased to invite you to an online webinar on the Role of Food Systems on Overweight and Obesity in Low and Middle-Income Countries.

Our esteemed keynote speaker, Professor Boyd Swinburn, will deliver an insightful presentation on the topic driven by his wealth of expertise, having led two Lancet Series on Obesity in 2011 and 2015 and co-chaired the 2019 Lancet Commission on Obesity.

The webinar will also share findings of a joint study conducted by IFAD in partnership with Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation and launch three new publications on the topic. The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion among experts with field experience.

Using a food system lens, the speakers will present the actual body of evidence on drivers of overweight and obesity and discuss experiences from countries and regional contexts with respect to possible interventions and policy actions.

The webinar will be in English with interpretation in French. Please find the programme attached. 

We are looking forward to your participation in the Event.

Registration link

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