The Regional Centre of Excellence against Hunger and Malnutrition (CERFAM), a joint initiative between the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire and the World Food Programme (WFP), is launching a Call for Good Practices in Food Security and Nutrition in the African region. This initiative aims to identify and showcase exemplary projects that address food security and nutrition challenges in Africa. The final selection of 15 outstanding good practices will be featured on CERFAM's Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEPT).

This exercise is looking to identify, document and share good practices in the following thematic areas:
1. Rural development and agri-food value chain
2. Post-harvest management
3. Community resilience
4. Home-grown school feeding
5. Integrated nutrition (food fortification, food quality and safety, child health/nutrition)
6. Social protection (cash transfer)

An example of a good practice published in KEPT can be found here (French)
An example of a good practice published in KEPT can be found here (English)

To submit your application containing a good practice example, please complete the survey (in English and French) available at this link. The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2023.  

Please note that applicants may submit more than one proposal. You can submit more than two practices by clicking on the link for the application again. To learn more about how good practices are selected, please click here.

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