UNICEF - in collaboration with the IFE Core Group - is developing guidance on Wet Nursing and Cross Feeding (non-maternal breastfeeding) in Emergencies. We are looking for case studies to help inform and illustrate the guidance with real-life, practical examples. 

Are you aware of individuals who have been - or have you been - involved in: 

  • managing / overseeing / implementing programmes which included support for wet nursing and/or cross feeding? OR
  • directly supporting caregivers to find a healthy lactating woman to breastfeed their infant and to establish a wet nursing / cross feeding arrangement? 

If so, then we would love to hear from you!  (We are interested in examples from both emergency and non-emergency contexts) Selected contacts will be invited for an interview to discuss experiences, lessons learned and recommendations. Findings will be used to inform the guidance and/or featured as a case study within the guidance. All contributions will be fully acknowledged in the guidance. 

Please contact me at imodigell@unicef.org to share your suggestion.

With many thanks,


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