Dear Colleagues,

Since our last update in January 2023, we have added 21 NEW publications to our scientific repository related to IYCF in emergency settings. In addition to several international reviews, this update provides emerging evidence from Ethiopia, the United States, Australia, Indonesia, Belgium, India, Lebanon, Pakistan, France, Uganda, Ukraine, Brazil, and Italy.

Click here to view the updated repository.

Many new publications focused on the impacts of natural disasters and climate change on IYCF. One review examined the global impact of climate change on food systems, food security, and child nutrition. Another examined climate-sensitive diarrheal infections in children following periods of drought and heavy precipitation across 51 LMICs. Researchers in India compared nutritional status of children across 35 villages impacted by flooding – another study in Pakistan examined barriers and facilitators of breastfeeding among mothers displaced due to flooding and earthquakes.

Others focused on the protective role of breastfeeding in emergencies. One study examined the gut microbiomes of infants exposed in utero to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, comparing infants who were breastfed to those who were exclusively fed with infant formula. A recent interview with two Ukrainian doctors highlighted the value of protecting and promoting breastfeeding during active conflict, as many mothers that sought refuge in bomb shelters and hospital basements did not have reliable access to clean water or complementary foods.

Several new publications described barriers to breastfeeding faced by internally displaced and refugee families. Interviews and focus group discussions gathered the perspectives of Syrian refugee women and their local healthcare providers in Lebanon, breastfeeding mothers displaced by flooding in rural Pakistan, and refugee families from South Sudan in Uganda. Others focused on the nutritional status of lactating mothers displaced by civil war in Ethiopia. Another study analyzed health records of Syrian refugee women to determine differences in reproductive health and IYCF practices before and after displacement.

Researchers continue to explore the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on IYCF practices, including an evaluation of Family-Centered Care implementation across 10 countries during the first year of the pandemic. A larger study reviewed COVID-19 guidance documents on newborn care across 101 countries to determine alignment with WHO recommendations.

If you know anyone who would benefit from these updates, please direct them to this link to sign up for our email listserv. We aim to publish updates every 3 months – look out for out next update in July 2023.

Happy reading!

-The IYCF-E Repository Team

In my perspective, what ever it be promoting IYCF will remain as life saving, cost effective and high impact intervention.

Redae Trfe


1 year ago
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