WFP Nutrition Division is hiring for a Team Lead Digital Innovations to be based in Rome, 11 month CST-II contract. The position will be reporting to the Nutrition Division’s Chief of Knowledge Management and Digital Innovation, the consultant will lead the Digital Innovation team.

The role will be to identify and implement strategic actions for nutrition digital solutions, specifically CODA (Conditional On-Demand Assistance), a digital tool and full-service solution designed to simplify and streamline nutrition programme decision making, monitoring and reporting through the digitization of national guidelines and the recording of individual data of those enrolled in programme. CODA is an innovative approach for individual digital WFP case management that aims to transform big data collection and analysis for programmes that require participation monitoring and/or on demand distribution.

We are looking for someone with 7 years or more experience with introduction and scale up of innovations, preferably related to digitization of programme monitoring/management in humanitarian aid operations, including nutrition programmes. In addition, experience in information technology projects including digital product development preferably in an agile environment. For more details please see the VA’s below:

Deadline to apply: 10th April 2023

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