This is a one year programme aimed at candidates interested in the humanitarian nutrition sector with some or limited previous experience working in the international humanitarian/development sector. We are looking for talented people committed to long-term service in the humanitarian sector in nutrition, who can demonstrate outstanding people skills and the motivation to develop excellent technical knowledge in Nutrition. Candidates will be selected if they can demonstrate that they are committed to the humanitarian nutrition sector and have actively taken steps towards developing appropriate skills and experience necessary for working in the sector. The one-year programme core components are as follows: 1 Head office training placement - on the job training in humanitarian nutrition through work at the Save the Children UK London office for a period of six months. During this placement the candidate will be required to complete the Emergency Operations Programme (see page 2 for details), including two emergency response-specific training workshops. 2. International Deployment placement– up to six months in an overseas programme to implement the skills learned during the Emergency Operations Programme with Save the Children and head office placement. Applicants must apply before the 25th July 2011. Please go to [url][/url] and click on International jobs. If you have any problems please contact
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