Hello everyone,
In Niger, there is difficulty in finding MUACs for adults on the local market, and even on the international market, our suppliers do not have them. Could you share with me the PDF of the MUAC for adults so that we can provide it to our team after printing and laminating it ?
Thank you very much for your answers

Dear Ilaria,

MUAC tapes can be ordered by UNICEF country offices through UNICEFs regular ordering processes. Partners can also procure MUAC tapes via UNICEFs Procurement Services (psid@unicef.org) Procurement services | UNICEF Supply Division

The MUAC templates are available for download on the UNICEF website:

String method:

Files for printing child MUAC measuring tapes (string method) | UNICEF Supply Division

Files for printing adult MUAC measuring tapes (string method) | UNICEF Supply Division

Tape method:

Files for printing child MUAC measuring tapes | UNICEF Supply Division

Files for printing adult MUAC measuring tapes | UNICEF Supply Division

Please note that if local printing is undertaken, capacity must be available to assure the quality of the MUACs.

Instructions on how to check the quality of locally printed tapes can be found here: Specifications for mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) tape for children | UNICEF Supply Division.

The following shall be assessed:

  • Material: Plasticized/synthetic paper using polypropylene, or Polyethylene (supplier must specify which of these materials is offered).
  • The tape must be non-tear stretch-resistant.
  • The tape must be water resistant.
  • Thickness of the tape (minimum thickness 0.3 mm).
  • Accuracy of the tape: ± 1 mm of the maximum measurement.
  • Print: Permanent, resistant to solvents, such as alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Kind regards,


Louise Enevoldsen


1 year ago

Hello Ilaria

We can send you the samples if you wish, since you seem to be located in Niamey.

We have all the necessary approvals to allow us in order to carry out this activity.



1 year ago

Hallo  iLaria,

If you are interested with the Adult MUAC tapes reach out to shanlieastafricaltd@gmail.com they can supply.

Anastacia Maluki


1 year ago

We can send you the samples if you wish, since you seem to be located in Niamey.

We have all the necessary approvals to allow us to carry out this activity. ftrad16@gmil.com or WhatsApp +22782469865



1 year ago
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