
I am working with colleagues on the design of a counseling package to support the integration of responsive care and early learning with nutrition counseling to better support young children and their caregivers. 

We have been grappling with a question about what model might be most useful or appropriate for strengthening capacity for skilled counseling. Obviously there are lots of factors that go into this, however if you have any evidence or experience in using the following approaches, or any others, we'd be interested in hearing from you: 

  • Assess, Analyse, Act (AAA)
  • GALIDRAA (Greet, Ask, Listen, Identify, Discuss, Recommend, Agree, Appointment)

In particular we are interested in what you have found to work well as well as barriers to using these or other models for counseling.

Thank you! 

Thanks for this question. I want to draw to the attention of the forum UNICEF and WHO's Implementation Guidance on Counselling Women to Improve Breastfeeding Practices* released in 2021, and which recommends  Assess, Analyse, Act.


There is also a separate guide for breastfeeding counselling in emergencies published by ENN: https://www.ennonline.net/breastfeedingcounsellinginemergencies

Here also is a presentation I am familiar with as it is co-authored by Steve Hodgins who is in my home city (Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta),  along with Rolf Klemm, Helen Keller International. In this presentation, GALIDRAA is presented as a subset of Assess, Analyse and Act. Please see the beginning of slide 17-18.  https://www.childhealthtaskforce.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/11%20UAlberta_Steve%20Hodgins_HKI_Rolf%20Klemm_Illness%20and%20Convalescence_INS%20Workshop_10.31.2018.pdf

I hope this is helpful. 

-- Jodine Chase
IFE Core Group Facilitator

Jodine Chase


1 year ago




1)Demandez le Prénom et nom de l’enfant

2)Relevez ou demandez la date de naissance de l’enfant

3)Posez la série de questions suivantes à la mère

A - (Prénom) a-t-il été allaité hier?

OUI o            NON o

B – Est-ce que (Prénom) a bu ou mangé hier autres choses que le lait maternel durant le jour ou la nuit?

OUI o            NON o

1)La mère pratique l’AME si la réponse à la question A est OUI et la réponse à la question B est NON

Encourager la mère à poursuivre la pratique de l’Allaitement Maternel Exclusif

2)La mère ne pratique pas l’AME si la réponse à la question A est OUI ou NON et la réponse à la question B est OUI

Identifier les obstacles possibles à la pratique de l’AME et prodiguer des conseils spécifiques



1 year ago
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