Hi Everyone, 

We wanted to double check our lancet depth and gauge recommendations for infants and children- including heel prick lancets and finger prick lancets. We've been getting varying answers from HemoCue tech support and was wondering if anyone had a resource they recommend or use that we can confirm our resources with. 

Thank you!


Per the CDC Micronutrient survey toolkit - Lancet for children is 1 mm depth and for adults is 2 mm depth. We presume that the depth is the minimum value. In our studies we suggest 1.8 mm to get a good drop of blood, and not have to resort to milking the finger, which leads to errors in hemoglobin management. 

In our studies, we recommend, the following:

Children 12-23 months: 1.8 mm; 23G; Unistik3 Normal yellow AT1004, Tryco, VA

Children 24-59 months - High flow lancet - BD 366594 Microtainer Contact-Activated Lancet, High Flow, 1.5 mm x 2 mm

Source: Module 9. Supply Lists and Ordering. CDC Micronutrient Survey Toolkit. CDC, 2021. https://mnsurvey.nutritionintl.org/categories/47



2 years ago

Thank you Dr. Moorthy!



2 years ago
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