Are you looking for a fantastic role in a dynamic and creative team? Are you bilingual? Take a look at this position, working very closely with the whole Technical Support Team of the GNC Technical Alliance!

Please share if you know the perfect person! Shortlisting this week, so please act quickly!


The TST Deputy Coordinator (DC) will join the TST Coordination Unit, and the GNC Technical Alliance, to strengthen coordination of in-depth technical support, coordination of the TST as a whole and bring a much needed boost in capacity for developing and maintaining partnerships, at global, regional and national levels. The DC will work on all aspects of the TST, including the technical support process, project monitoring and evaluation, knowledge/learning workflows and communications related to TST work. The DC will provide technical and other support to the TST Coordinator as well as the TST Advisors (NiE technical), the internal steering committee, and the deployment steering committee to increase the quality and effectiveness of TST support. The DC will provide support to ensure timely, comprehensive and high quality reporting with the Alliance and to TST donors. The DC will support the on-going coordination and smooth funiction of the full TST. Finally, the DC will ensure the TST remains effective and relevant in the face of unprecedented humanitarian needs and shifts in ways of working for technical support provision in nutrition in emergencies responses and the humanitarian sector. The TST Deputy Coordinator will play a leadership role in driving forward the TST’s approach to support local and national actors, and how the TST integrates “localization” across its operations.

For more information, check it out!

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