Please share BMS Programming Guide of IYCF-E, thanks indeed. 

You may also be interested in several of the infographic series related to BMS programming:

2. Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of BMS

This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 6 of the OG-IFE– minimise the risk of artificial feeding. The infographic provides a guide on preventing and managing inappropriate donations of breast milk substitutes (BMS) and other prohibited products for emergency relief staff, donors and governments and is available in English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Ukrainian and Russian. It includes key information on the risks associated with inappropriate donations and key actions to prevent, detect and manage these donations.

3. Planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies 

This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 6 of the OG-IFE– minimise the risk of artificial feeding. The infographic provides a guide on planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies for decision-makers and programmers working in emergency preparedness and response. It is available in English, Russian, Japanese and Ukrainian (localised for a Ukrainian context) and provides guidance on assessing the need for artificial feeding, designing and planning an artificial feeding management programme, securing the required supplies and services, and implementing artificial feeding support.

4. Supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies 

This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 6 of the OG-IFE– minimise the risk of artificial feeding. The infographic provides guidance for frontline workers, including health, nutrition and child protection staff, on supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies. It is available in English, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian and Japanese and provides guidance on the following topics: checking infants' eligibility for BMS support; determining if BMS can be used hygienically at home; discreetly providing BMS and supplies; counselling demonstrating how to feed infants as safely as possible; continued support and follow up procedures.



1 year ago

You may also be interested in several of the infographic series related to BMS programming:

2. Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of BMS

This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 6 of the OG-IFE– minimise the risk of artificial feeding. The infographic provides a guide on preventing and managing inappropriate donations of breast milk substitutes (BMS) and other prohibited products for emergency relief staff, donors and governments and is available in English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Ukrainian and Russian. It includes key information on the risks associated with inappropriate donations and key actions to prevent, detect and manage these donations.

3. Planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies 

This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 6 of the OG-IFE– minimise the risk of artificial feeding. The infographic provides a guide on planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies for decision-makers and programmers working in emergency preparedness and response. It is available in English, Russian, Japanese and Ukrainian (localised for a Ukrainian context) and provides guidance on assessing the need for artificial feeding, designing and planning an artificial feeding management programme, securing the required supplies and services, and implementing artificial feeding support.

4. Supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies 

This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 6 of the OG-IFE– minimise the risk of artificial feeding. The infographic provides guidance for frontline workers, including health, nutrition and child protection staff, on supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies. It is available in English, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian and Japanese and provides guidance on the following topics: checking infants' eligibility for BMS support; determining if BMS can be used hygienically at home; discreetly providing BMS and supplies; counselling demonstrating how to feed infants as safely as possible; continued support and follow up procedures.



1 year ago
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