Survey of Provider Perceptions of Practices related to the Screening, Assessment and Care of Malnutrition across Pediatric Inpatient Units in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Dear Healthcare Provider,

The Centre for Global Child Health at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada is conducting a research study. You are being sent this letter because you provide direct care to pediatric inpatients in a low-resource setting.   

There is a need to address nutritional risk at the time of admission and during an inpatient stay for pediatric patients.  Although the benefits of dedicated staff to screen, assess, and care for nutrition-related morbidities is clear, the status of resources in place to manage these issues in pediatric inpatient settings in low-resource settings is unclear. To identify available resources and gaps in service, we must first understand current practices related to nutrition care.  With these aims, we have designed a survey to evaluate hospital activities and protocols in terms of nutrition screening, assessment, and care for children during their inpatient stay in hospital. These could include things such as (but not limited to) nutrition screening or assessment by dedicated staff, discussion of nutrition status during clinical rounds, and nutrition therapy.  This survey is intended to be completed by staff members working at hospitals or health units that provide inpatient treatment for pediatric patients.  Results from this survey will help us to better evaluate and potentially adapt nutrition care protocols in low-resource hospitals to improve clinical outcomes. 

If you voluntarily agree to be part of this study, you will be asked to complete an online survey which will take about 10-15 minutes. Clicking on the link in your email will take you to the survey.  By completing the survey, you consent to the collection of data about the nutritional services available at your hospital or health unit. Your responses will remain anonymous.

The deadline for completion of this survey is September 30th, 2022. You can save and come back to the survey at any time prior to this deadline if you have not yet submitted the survey. 

If you are not interested and do not want to be approached regarding this research study, do not fill out the survey. You do not have to give reasons for not wanting to participate in the research study.

Participation in any research study is voluntary. You do not have to participate in this research study if you do not want to. Your decision will not affect your employment at your hospital or health unit.  

Thank you for considering participation in this study

You may open the survey in your web browser by clicking the link below:
Provider Perceptions of Nutrition Screening, Assessment and Care in Pediatric Inpatient Settings 

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