1. Background

The Global CMAM Surge Approach Operational and Facilitators Guides were written by two consultants contracted by Concern Worldwide for this purpose in 2016. These guidelines were largely based on the practical experience from Kenya and Uganda with inputs from practitioners in East and West Africa during two workshops held in 2016. Since the publication of the guidelines, the CMAM Surge approach has been initiated in 17 countries, with support from approximately 17 different implementing partners (footnote 1). In particular, the Sahel region has seen significant scale up of the approach. The expansion of the approach to diverse contexts has generated significant learning on what works and what doesn’t work; as well as innovations and adaptations to the approach including ‘Health Surge’ and ‘Community Surge’.

In November 2020, a Global CMAM Surge Technical Working Group (TWG) was established to ensure coordination of CMAM Surge activities to maximize quality, effectiveness, and learning. A Global CMAM Surge Learning Agenda was elaborated, with the fourth area of inquiry focusing on “Improving specific CMAM Surge steps”. Objective seven of the Global CMAM Surge work-plan, “update the CMAM Surge Operational Guidance in line with learning”, aims to contribute to this. The Enhanced Responses to Nutrition Emergencies (ERNE) programme (Footnote 2), is supporting this learning and documentation. Between May and December 2022 the Global ‘Surge’ Guidance (Footnote 3) is being reviewed and updated by Concern Worldwide, in consultation with members of the Global CMAM Surge TWG, and other key stakeholders (incl. Ministry of Health Officials). It is expected that the guidance will take the format of a short orientation guide (~20 pages) and a modular toolkit. Annex 1 contains the scope of work for this revision.

2. Purpose of the Consultancy

· Review and copy edit the short orientation guide and modular toolkit to ensure a coherent and user friendly resource; · Participate in final review meeting with key stakeholder and address/integrate any critical related to form/structure; · If necessary, provide recommendations for improvement.

3. Essential and Desirable Experience/Qualifications

· Minimum Master’s degree in public health or social sciences or other relevant degree ; · Experience in conducting copy editing of health and/or nutrition technical guides/documents ; · Technical expertise in health system strengthening and nutrition programming (in particular experience with CMAM and/or CMAM Surge); · Good communications skills, able to build strong relationships with the various actors at global, regional, and country levels ; · Professional level proficiency in spoken and written English ; · Ability to work independently, good self-management and working towards tight deadlines.

4. Objectives and Specific Tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant

The objective of the consultancy is to produce a clean, coherent version of the Global Surge orientation guide and toolkit shared by Concern; highlighting any critical areas for review/revision and providing suggestions for improvement when feasible.

5. Methodology

The consultancy will be carried out remotely. The consultant must provide their own internet connection and communication platform(s). The Consultant must provide an overview of their proposed work plan. There will be an element of flexibility within the work and timeframe. The Consultant may be asked to participate in one/two meetings with the Surge Guideline Review Working Group. The consultant will provide regular verbal updates to Concerns’ Health and Nutrition Surge Manager (or delegate) during the course of the consultancy as agreed during the consultancy inception period.

6. Key Outputs to be delivered by the consultant (dates agreed during inception phase)

Output 1: Surge Orientation Guide with suggested edits in track changes. Deadline: September 2022

Output 2: Modular toolkit with suggested edits in track changes. Deadline: October 2022

Output 3: Clean version of reviewed Surge Orientation Guide & Toolkit Deadline: October 2022

Output 4: Summary report (1-3 page) of actions undertaken & general considerations for finalising guidelines and toolkit. Deadline: October 2022

7. Lines of Communication The consultant will report to Concern’s Health and Nutrition Surge Manager (ERNE Programme).

8. Timeframe 

It is expected that the consultancy will take place over a period of 11 days, split between the end of September (3/4 days) and mid/end of October (7/8 days). Exact timeframe will be agreed with the consultant during the inception period. The proposed time allocation for the components of work are outlined in the table below: Expected time allocation

Inception: background reading, introduction meeting (1 day)

Review short orientation guide (1 day)

Review tools in 6 modular toolkits (6 days - average of 1 day per module)

Checking coherence between guide and toolkits (2 days)

Other: participating in meetings, summary report writing etc. (1 day)


1 https://www.concern.net/knowledge-hub/cmam-surge

2 The ERNE programme is a three-year programme (2020–2023) covering DRC, Ethiopia, Niger, Sudan and South Sudan funded by ECHO through a Pilot Programmatic Partnership with Concern.

3 The updated guide and toolkit will be combined ‘CMAM’ and ‘Health’ Surge, the exact title of the new guidelines to reflect the broadened scope of the approach is to be decided.

How to apply

Qualified individuals or consultancy firms are requested to submit CVs of key personnel along with expression of interest, including costed plan with daily fee rate in euros (not exceeding 2 pages) and an example of a similar piece of work (if feasible) to: lucy.lafferty@concern.net by 24th August 2022. Applications without costed plans will not be considered. Late submission will not be considered.

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