Purpose:  The Micronutrient Data Innovational Alliance (DInA), hosted by MNF, seeks to improve the availability, quality, accessibility, and use of micronutrient data to support national-level decision-makers. To accomplish that goal, DInA must first identify opportunities to support the maturation of the micronutrient data ecosystem. DInA is interested in highlighting examples or case studies where micronutrient data has been used to inform policies and/or programs. MNF seeks a consultant to carry out the interviews and written reports/briefs for the case studies.

Period of Performance: MNF hereby retains Consultant on a non-exclusive basis to render the Services during the period commencing August 1st, 2022 through March 15th, 2023. Said term may only be extended by mutual agreement of the Parties.

Services: The Consultant is engaged to provide the following services to assist in designing the interview structure, schedule and conduct interviews with key informants, and write written briefs for case studies of micronutrient data use.

Deliverables and Milestones: The Consultant will deliver:

  • Support the identification of 3-4 countries (Niger, Burkina Faso and Guatemala have been proposed) that can serve as good examples of micronutrient data use.
  • Interview key informants (2-4 people) to understand the elements that made the policies or programs most successful.
  • Record, transcribe, translate to English (if needed), and consolidate information.
  • Provide written case studies based on the interviews in the form of 1-2 page briefs (~800 words) for each country represented. One or two rounds of review are anticipated with the DInA and MNF teams, within 5 days of receiving each draft.
  • Support the preparation of a webinar series, along with the DInA team and the MNF Advocacy and Communications Team, to disseminate the case studies to the DInA community to facilitate sharing of lessons learned.

Proposed timeline for the project:

  • August: Planning of questionnaires and design of semi-structured interviews. Identify potential countries to use for the case studies.
  • September-October: Scheduling and conducting interviews approximately 8-10 people.
  • November-December: Support initial planning of the case studies for the webinar (e.g., speakers and themes) and write up and internal review of case studies.
  • January-February: Support webinars that feature the country representatives from each case study as a way to disseminate findings.

To express interest in this position, please email your CV to DInA@micronutrientforum.org. 

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