I know that the IYCF-E working groups are continously developing and updating a number of great documents such as operational, technical guidelines and fact sheets pertaining to IYCF-E. Most of these generic documents are being implemented globally by UN, INGOs and government stakeholders in emergencies and development contexts.  However, through my experiences working in different countries, these generic documents are not fully or partially adapted and or informed through formative researchs to specific locality and context; even if they have been adapted, they are not supported with strong SBC tools.

Apart from the IYCF traditional monitoring and evaluation tools (measurements of indicators), is there any monitoring or quality checklist tools for OG-IFE or IYCF technical guidelines whether they are informed with SBC during implementation at least at the country level? 


thanks for the questions....

there are few tools available, already in WHO and UNICEF Training materials. There are others that may provided some guidance and insight too like the IYCF-E checklist:


or the following:

https://thecompassforsbc.org/project-examples/iycf-observation-checklist (IYCF observation checklist)

http://iycn.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/files/IYCN_complementary_feeding_monitoring_tool_083111.pdf (CF monitoring tool) 

http://www.iycn.org/resource/counseling-supervision-checklist-and-guidelines/ (Counselling tool)

At the agency level we are using a simple checklist to help monitor the quality of services being provided...an example from Ethiopia here (not specific to emergencies):


Other tools maybe found here:


Thanks and let me know


Alex Iellamo
Technical Expert


2 years ago

Hello, Daniel, I'm interested in the SBC part of your question. When you have seen the adaptation of guidance to local contact, what kinds of SBC tools do you think are missing - ie, what is needed to support?

-- Jodine Chase
IFE Core Group Facilitator



2 years ago

Thanks Jodine, and I apologise for not responding sooner. Its really well thought question and I will try to give some missed work on the IYCF-E SBC parts. I believe that most of the stakeholders do not bother to invest enough resources to adapt generic public health guidelines including IYCF-E to their specific local context,  instead rushes and focuses in translating to their national language. For example,  in one of my mission to give support to  IYCF-E SBC,  during debriefing on IYCF-E SBC to participants who have came from all of the regions of the country, I asked the participants to evaluate their adapted guidelines and to inform me the missed work of IYCF-E SBC tools and,  to my surprise the participants gave me a good comment on the picture and the message on the guidelines. 

Some of the practical observations of the IYCF-E SBC missed work were: 

- The pictures on the guidelines and posters are not culture, customs, religious, social and economic oriented. 

- The messages and pictures on the guidelines and on the communication materials are not oriented to local languages and not tasted and approved by local actors and there are many more detailed informations. For example, apart  from the guidelines on the means of communication  such as the status of the person who is giving or passing the information. 

Indeed, there are many OG-IFE are SBC informed, however they are not specific and well informed as much as possible and necessarily.


Daniel Takea. 

Daniel Takea


2 years ago
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