What: We are looking for practitioners who provide nutritional interventions for pregnant and lactating women (PLW) to share their experience and opinion on current treatment interventions for undernourished PLW in humanitarian contexts. We hope to identify what research is needed to help strengthen and inform these interventions.

***Eligible participants include nutrition practitioners involved in delivering nutritional interventions for PLW in humanitarian contexts and/or who take any decisions on what interventions are provided.

Why: The aim of this study is to provide information that may contribute to improving identification of and treatment interventions for undernourished PLW in humanitarian contexts. Input is valued and will enhance the direction of future research in this area.

Who: Melanie Sudetic, an MSc Nutrition for Global Health student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine will be conducting this study in completion of her MSc degree. She will be supervised by Mija Ververs and Elaine Ferguson.

When: Interview to be conducted during July 2022

Where: 30-60 minute interview via Zoom   

*** If you are interested in participating in this study, please email melanie.sudetic1@student.lshtm.ac.uk and she will provide more detailed information. 

We have programmes in Uganda where we provide specialised nutritious foods to pregnant and lactating women for prevention and treatment of malnutrition.

Edgar Twinomujuni


2 years ago

Are you in touch with Alive and Thrive?



2 years ago
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