Dear Friends,

The WHO 2022 wasting treatment and prevention guideline update process is well underway and new guidelines are expected in late 2022/early 2023. Operational guidance will be needed to support implementation and provide 'how to' on implementing the guidelines in different contexts.  

We want to hear where you feel the current gaps in implementation guidance are and what tools would be useful to address these gaps. We have launched a survey that seeks input from a range of stakeholders to inform the priority areas and nature of the operational guidance relating to wasting management and prevention.

The survey is being facilitated by ENN, funded by the Eleanor Crook Foundation, and its content has been informed by the WHO and UNICEF. The results will be shared with the WHO/UNICEF Implementation Guidance Advisory Group (being formed) and the Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance (GNC-TA) Global Thematic Working Groups, as well as being made publicly available.

Please find the survey here (available in English and French) 

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill this survey out - estimated time for completion is 15-20 minutes. Your details and responses will remain anonymous. 

For more information, please contact

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