Hi All.

I'm looking for examples for Cash and IYCF messaging that has been used.  Does anyone happen to have examples of the messages they have used in their programming that they are able to share by chance?

Thank you!



Hi Brooke

In Peru and Colombia, the IYCF messages for Cash interventions donĀ“t change from the original IYCF messages given in the country.

The countries have developed booklets to distribute to the Cash beneficiaries when they are able to organize face-to-face meetings or when they develop nutrition community activities to then refer to cash if necessary.

Here is the link for one of the pieces from Peru (in Spanish) https://www.savethechildren.org.pe/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/BROCHURE-ALIMENTACION-final.pdf

If you are interested in the Colombia one, I can share it through email.




2 years ago

Hello Brooke, 

In Nepal, UNICEF is implementing a child cash grant to support the nutritional status of children under 5 years. This approach is being implemented in close coordination with the Government of NEPAL. Please find the link below to access the child cash grant details, its criteria and strategies.


Kind regards,

Dhiraj Karki 

Dhiraj Karki


2 years ago
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