What is the purpose of the consultation?

The purpose is to gather feedback from partners and stakeholders on proposed core indicator sets for quality of care for small or sick newborns in high mortality and morbidity rate settings.  The consultation is being co-ordinated by a working group organised by World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Department of Maternal Newborn Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing (MCA) working with London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).

Why have I been asked to take part?

Global partners and stakeholder for small or sick newborn indicator data collection and use are invited to take part. You can complete this consultation form either as an individual or on behalf of the organisation for which you work. 

What will I have to do?

When you access the online survey you will be given access to a participant information sheet and a brief background document.  You will be asked to review a set of proposed core quality indicators. We expect the survey to take approximately 30 minutes of your time. 

The survey will be open until 25th May 2022 and can be found here:

in English https://lshtm.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/core-indicator-set-quality-of-care-for-ssn 

in French https://lshtm.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/core-indicator-set-for-quality-of-care-for-small-or-sick-n-8

Further information and contact details: Please do not hesitate to reach out to Louise Tina Day with any queries. (Louise-Tina.Day@lshtm.ac.uk)