At ENN we are passionate about what we do and the difference we make – come and join us as our first CEO.

This is an exciting opportunity to be ENN’s first Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  This is a challenging role and the impact cannot be overstated; you will have a tremendously rewarding part to play in building a better world.  To date, ENN has been led by a management team of peers who have day-to-day responsibility for running the organisation.  As we begin the next strategic review, the Board and Management Team believe that we are now of a size and complexity which will benefit from the leadership of a CEO role. You will have the unique opportunity to lead a group of dedicated and highly effective people to shape the future of ENN, building on the strong foundation that has been put in place.

ENN’s vision is that every individual caught up in a nutritional emergency, or suffering from malnutrition anywhere in the world, gets the most effective help possible. Over the past 25 years we have become a trusted and recognised name in the sector.  We are now searching for a CEO who will lead us into the next stage of our development, providing strategic leadership, vision and direction.

To explore the candidate pack and job description please visit our website 

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