Do you have any document showing how many OTPs, TSFP, SCs are needed per catchment areas

Hi Mostafa, 

I think people still refer to the Sphere handbook for these sort of calculations... I think it depends how large and populated your catchment area is - the recommendations are all about 'coverage' and distance to walk for treatment.  

Sphere says: 

••Percentage of the target population less than a one day’s return walk (including
time for treatment) to the programme site should be >90 per cent

So if everyone in the catchment area is less than 1 day's walk away from the services, then you may only need 1 of each. 

I think you then need to do some caseload calculations to workout how large each service needed to be (staff, stock, space) etc. 

Caseload calcs are explained here

Coverage recommendations in SPHERE are:

Percentage of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) cases with access to treatment
services (coverage)
•• >50 per cent in rural areas
•• >70 per cent in urban areas
•• >90 per cent in a camp

Some may argue that these are only for emergency settings and coverage should be better than that in stable settings. 

Im not really an expert in this area, so others please feel free to correct / contradict! 

Natasha Lelijveld


2 years ago
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