Hello dear all,

I am interested in gender and nutrition/health. I am planning a qualitative survey in this area.

This study therefore seeks to have a better understanding of gender inequalities and discrimination that will have an impact on health and nutrition issues and to understand the main types of GBV existing in the context of intervention. The results of this study will make it possible to take these issues into account in the development and implementation of activities in the next phase of the project aimed at mitigating the consequences of these practices.

Please share with me models of survey questionnaires and the various works published in this field.

Thank you

Dear Israel, 

My friend Tamsin Walters from ENN reached out to me to ask me to have a look at your question. I've consulted with my PATH colleagues (especially one with a background in addressing GBV), and we have these recommendations:

1) Perhaps check out the WHO Multi-Country Study on Domestic Violence and Women’s Health (https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/43309), which at the back of the report has the full survey tool. Please let me know (chubbellmelgarejo@path.org) if you have trouble downloading, and I can send you the report separately. The survey tool may be available in French. We looked for some newer things (like this https://asiapacific.unfpa.org/en/publications/measuring-prevalence-violence-against-women-survey-methodologies-knowvawdata) but they all refer back to the WHO study, so maybe stick with the WHO. 

2) About “gender inequalities and discrimination that will have an impact on health and nutrition issues,” here's a resource which lays out some of the key issues (and I can forward if needed): https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/file/86592/download?token=KfNAjBT3.

3) Since you mention that the results will be used to inform program design, this item may also be useful:  https://www.unicef.org/media/112601/file/Social-Protection-Health-and-Nutrition.pdf Also, this program which PATH produced for UK FCDO advisors under its MQSUN+ project: https://mqsunplus.path.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/026b_MQSUN-Gender-Topic-Guide_13October2020_final.pdf 

4) Lastly, a list of resources which you would want to look through a bit to figure out which things might be helpful: https://www.fao.org/3/cb1331en/cb1331en.pdf 

Thank you,




2 years ago
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