Closing Date: Tuesday March 8, 2022, at 23:59 EST
The Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance (GNC Technical Alliance or The Alliance) is an initiative for the mutual benefit of the nutrition community, and affected populations, to improve the quality of nutrition in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. The Alliance Partners are made up of the GNC partners and other individuals, organizations, initiatives, and academia at global, regional and national levels that hold nutrition technical expertise across the humanitarian and development spheres.
The Alliance’s Technical Support Team (TST) provides on-demand technical support for nutrition in emergencies, both remotely and in-country. Additional capacity is required for Social and Behavior Change (SBC), especially francophone, therefore the TST is looking for an SBC Expert to provide technical support on an ad-hoc basis, starting from the week of March 14, 2022.
Provide remote, or in-country, technical support in Social Behavior Change (SBC). Assignments will depend on the nature of requests received, however in general the SBC Expert will be responsible for strengthening nutrition responses through the provision of senior leadership, technical support and capacity building for SBC approaches (including formative research, strategy development and coordination support). Typically, support will be provided to governments, national nutrition clusters, and local and international non-governmental organizations. The SBC Expert will work closely with the TST SBC Advisor, often providing technical backstopping, but sometimes being the lead and receiving technical backstopping from the SBC Advisor.
A specific Statement of Work (SOW) will be developed for each request received, Possible assignments may include:
 Providing technical advice and operational support on SBC for ongoing/new programs on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), health, hygiene and nutrition.
 Conducting desk review and training staff on qualitative research to understand the social norms, barriers and enablers for behavior change. Thereafter, mentoring staff and stakeholders on the use of findings to develop an SBC strategy.
 Mapping, identifying and supporting in adaptation/contextualization of existing SBC tools and materials.
 Conducting virtual stakeholder consultations to develop an evidence-based SBC strategy/action plan.
 Providing support to local teams to develop effective communication materials (audio, audio-visual, print, online tools etc.) and guidance on pre-testing the materials.
 Assess capacity building needs across partners and develop a plan for meeting these needs.
 Develop communication tools, facilitator manuals and job aids that foster organisational capacity in SBC in coherence with existing national protocols and guidelines.
 Reviewing/developing the organization/project’s Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) strategy in the context of COVID-19.
 Providing guidance on how to adapt RCCE to local contexts and adapt communication and community engagement activities in the COVID-19 context, using a variety of media and channels.
 Providing support to field teams to develop interactive initiatives strategically linked for better results. These could include the following:
o production of radio talk-shows or drama series, using two-way communication,
o creating engaging digital and social media tools (e.g. shooting and editing videos community volunteer training, quickly creating audio-visuals/posts using photos from field activities, etc).
o providing online support for the field teams to use storytelling, creating stories based on formative research findings, to engage people on radio, social media and during community activities.
 Supporting project teams in adaptation of IYCF promotion and SBC activities to COVID-19 context.
 Conducting interactive Training of Trainers (ToTs) and orientations sessions on SBC/RCCE concepts and methods.
 Supporting in documentation of adaptations and lessons learned during COVID-19 pandemic.
 Designing M&E tools and indicators and support in evaluating SBC interventions.
 Support coordination for SBC through either establishing and leading or providing substantial support to in-country partners, Nutrition and WaSH clusters, or SBC technical working groups.
Services will be provided on ad-hoc basis, depending on the demand, in period of 2 years starting from the week of March 14, 2022. Framework Agreement may be renewable for an additional 1 year.
1. Master’s degree in nutrition or Public Health, social sciences, communication or equivalent
2. Substantial experience of minimum 10 years and a track record of success in delivering high quality SBC programming or related field (health, WASH, agriculture, Food security and Livelihoods and social protection)
3. Demonstrated experience in designing and leading SBC assessments and Barrier Analysis
4. Demonstrated capacity in delivering high quality training in SBC
5. Proven ability to deliver remote and in-country technical support
6. Practical experience of the cluster approach at country and global level.
7. Strong skills in coordination and the ability to work effectively with a range of stakeholders, including nutrition clusters, partners and the Ministry of Health
8. Highly developed writing skills – both at a programmatic level (reports, proposals) and a policy level (policy papers, guidance notes)
9. Strong communications skills (both written and verbal) at a level appropriate for high-level external representation (lobbying, presentations)
10. Ability to analyze diverse information and develop recommendations for an appropriate response to emergencies
11. Ability to work in English, French and/orSpanish
12. Knowledge of Arabic would be considered an asset
Home-based with potential travel for assignments up to 6 weeks
The consultant will be supervised by the Associate Director of Nutrition.
Deliverable based, 2 years Framework Agreement with Action Against Hunger Canada, starting the week of the March 14, 2022.
Applications are open to individuals.
Proposals responding to this RFP should include:
● Updated CV detailing experience in conducting similar work
● Maximum 1 page Cover letter.
● Three references for which you have conducted similar work.
● Daily or hourly rate per service (day” is defined as an 8 hour equivalent work period). Please provide your quotations in Canadian Dollars (CAD).
Submit the proposal before Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 23:59 EST to:
Please highlight “CONSULTANCY FOR PROVIDING SBC EXPERTISE” in the subject heading.

RFP link is here

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