ENN is now looking for a part-time Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group Facilitator. This is an exciting opportunity to join the growing ENN team and bring your strong, technical knowledge and experience on IYCF-E to facilitate the functioning of the IFE Core Group. You’ll develop, oversee and support delivery on IFE Core Group activities and outputs and represent ENN and the IFE Core Group in external fora including guidance development. Together with the ENN IFE Core Group Coordinator (Project Lead), this position will provide technical IYCF leadership both externally and internally at ENN.  If you have experience working with IYCF-E programmes, operations and/or research, a good understanding of the challenges and issues currently existing within the global IYCF-E sector and strong facilitation and coordination skills please apply before 3rd April 2022.

For more information and to apply please see the Job Description and application guidance. 

Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications for this vacancy has now been extended to 3rd April 2022. 

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


2 years ago
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