Dear collegaues,
Where can I find an excel MAMI database for infants <6? I would be thankful if organziations already implementing MAMI share their tools for adaptation.
My email:
Thank you,
Dear Selam Yohannes,
Are you looked for a blank template of a database to input data on infants <6 months yourself? Or a database that already has data on infants <6 months?
Many thanks,
Alice Burrell - MAMI Advisor
3 years agoIn Uganda we developed our own that comprises all the factors that were necessary, focusing on the mother baby pairs and its working effectively
3 years agoIn Uganda we developed our own that bases that comprises all the factors that were necessary, focusing on the mother baby pairs and its working effectively
3 years agoWhere can I get MAMI excel data base ?
1 year ago