The Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy are inviting abstracts for their annual flagship conference, the ANH Academy Week, taking place 20 June – 1 July 2022. 


  • Food system governance, rights and political economy
  • Diets and nutrition in conflict, protracted and/or humanitarian contexts
  • Agriculture /food systems policy and programme impacts on nutrition and health; and implementation science
  • Economic evaluation and financing of multi-sectoral programmes for nutrition and health
  • Behavioural research related to diets, nutrition and health
  • Innovative methods, tools, and metrics
  • Health risks and food systems
  • Climate change, planetary health and food systems

Please note: Gender, empowerment and equity cut across all themes, as does COVID-19's implications for food systems, nutrition and health.

The call for abstracts is now open, with a deadline of 13 February 2022.

For more information and to submit your abstracts visit:

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