Webinar on Women's Nutrition: a Summary of Evidence, Policy and Practice

Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) are pleased to invite you to a webinar launching a new technical briefing paper: Women’s nutrition: a summary of evidence, policy and practice including adolescent and maternal life stages, followed by an expert panel discussion.

Date: 27th January 2022 | Time: 13:30-14:45 (UK, GMT) 
(14:30-15:45 Geneva, CET) (08:30-09:45 New York, EST)

Malnutrition, including undernutrition, overweight and obesity, and micronutrient deficiencies, disproportionately affects women and girls, with more than one billion women experiencing at least one form of malnutrition globally.

In 2013, ENN published a technical background paper summarising evidence on maternal nutrition and identifying knowledge gaps in addressing maternal undernutrition in emergencies. Now, ENN has written an updated paper covering women’s nutrition more broadly, including a summary of the current evidence base, international guidance, and programming being implemented in both development and humanitarian settings.

This webinar will summarise the findings and recommendations of the new paper, followed by a panel discussion and plenty of time for questions during the live webinar.

Please register here

Provisional Agenda, TBC

A. Welcome and introduction (5 mins) 
B. Overview of key findings and recommendations from ENN's paper on Women's nutrition: a summary of evidence, policy and practice including adolescent and maternal life stages (20 mins) 
C. Q&A from participants on the paper findings and recommendations (10 mins) 
D. Reflections on the paper findings from expert panel, including government representatives and  international policy makers  (20 mins) 
E. Q&A with the panellists (15 mins) 
F. Wrap-up (5 mins) 

A full agenda and link to the new paper will be circulated to all registered participants ahead of the webinar.

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