La cautela en la rehidratación del niño desnutrido y deshidratación grave, incluye utilizar la vía oral o, en su defecto, la vía nasogastrica, siempre que el estado clínico lo permita.
En este contexto, existe evidencia científica del uso de solución Hartman en la rehidratación por sonda nasogastrica?
Agradecería compartir.
Automatic translation:
In the rehydration of malnourished and severely dehydrated children the oral route can be used or, failing that, the nasogastric route, whenever the clinical condition allows it.
In this context, is there scientific evidence for the use of Hartman solution in rehydration by nasogastric tube?
I would appreciate people sharing their thoughts.
- I think it would be preferrable to use ORS, standard WHO high sodium ORS, by NG tube rather than Hartman's solution. ORS has a more appropriate amount of potassium and the better balance between sugar and salt. Mark Manary
Mark Manary
Technical Expert
3 years ago